A Dreaded Diagnosis: Diabetes

  Part One in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

A very close individual in my life was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I dropped everything and accompanied him to his two hour 1 on 1 education. One hour with an RN specializing in diabetes education and one hour (which was more like 40 minutes) with a dietician.

I agreed to ask questions and be a second set of ears. While I didn’t promise to not contradict what I disagreed with, I have to say I was proud of my ability to hold my tongue.

From a #CleanEating perspective, what they taught has much to be desired.

Choose margarine and canola oil over coconut oil and butter.

Nowhere in this dialogue was organic v conventional mentioned. (conventional butter is full of food coloring, not to mention growth hormones and other toxins)

Diet over regular soda was recommended (this patient has been guzzling soda by the case for decades…). There was one reference to drinking water — in 2 hours! No...

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Word Power: Amplify

soul word power Mar 02, 2018

The statement “My Soul craves more ….” was put before me and my answer was More UN-Winter…


Given that that really is only possible by my moving to a different state or flying somewhere where winter is not so harsh for a hiatus, I allowed myself to muse.

Using Lisa Sonora Beam’s prompts from her 30 Day Journaling Project, my musing began. She posed this:

Why not make a list of things that reawaken your sense of the beautiful. Or whatever other positive qualities you care to amplify in your life. Sense of wonder? Sense of peace? Sense of joy? Sense of gratitude?

I wish to Reawaken and Amplify ALL those things, don’t you?!

I latched on to AMPLIFY…. What does Amplify mean, anyway?

  • To increase the strength of
  • To make louder by increasing the strength of electrical signals
  • To give more information about
  • To expand by the use of detail, illustration, additional analysis

What would your (my) life look and feel like if there was more

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Word Power: Zeal

word power zeal Jan 11, 2018

I was in meditation having a conversation with my Guidance, and, well, they were giving me Guidance! They said they could feel my Zeal and I was to look it up.

So I did.

An eager desire.

Eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something.

A strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone eager or determined to do something.

And because I love to paint with pastels I asked myself what “zeal” looked like and all I could see was fire. A fire to go after that desire.

What’s with the black? It feels like to barrier that needs to be pushed through to get to the hot, hot flame. Once that barrier is breeched, the fire/desire burns hot and there’s no stopping you. There’s no turning back.

What are you zealous about?

What makes you determined?

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Healing journeys - the similarities for humans and animals


Meet Grace, my one eyed Goddess. As I nurse my cat Grace back to health, I am seeing the similarities between her journey and our journey (our meaning humans). It's fascinating. Join me.

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Christmas Musings on the Art of the Ask

I challenge you to RElearn to ask for what it is you want. RElearn the Art of the Ask.


This implies you UNlearned the easy-ness and joy of how to ask for what you want.

Ask and it is given — a basic Universal Law, a basic premise in Ancient texts.

Why, then, is it so hard for us to simply


Because circumstances and experiences in the past taught us it was hard, inappropriate, futile — or any combination of these — to ask, because we wouldn’t get the wish fulfilled anyway.


I can’t negate your experiences — or mine for that matter — so now what?

The challenge I put before you is to RElearn the art of the ask.

If you have the desire in your heart, there must be a means to achieve, receive, create it, right? Right!

What if you learned early on, as a child, that to ask for that train set, or the baseball bat, or a special doll that put undue burden on your parents? so you learned it was easier to...

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The Sacredness And Grace Of One Leaf

sacredness Oct 29, 2017

With winter approaching, and with the beautifully mild autumn here in Minnesota, I’ve been spending as much time as I can outdoors soaking it all in before my hibernation.

Recently, in a local park, I was standing at a bridge admiring the view and had a unique experience. I believe it was a dimensional shift in my awareness.

In the distance, I noticed a huge oak leaf as it fell and, with such grace, floated down into the creek. The oak leaves there are huge – larger than an adult hand. This one was cupped almost resembling a boat. It was as if I tuned into the essence of the leaf, or maybe the tree as it released the leaf. It felt like a suspension of time and the only thing that mattered was to witness its descent. It felt sacred, pure and utterly peaceful.

More of that Please.

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