Reclaiming Your Hopes And Dreams ~ The Neverending Story

“People who have no hope are easy to control, and whoever has the control, has the power.” Thus says Gmork, the servant to the Nothing in The Neverending Story.

Do you believe this?

Do you have hope?

Who is in charge of your destiny, your future, your life, your choices?

If it is true that those without hope are easy to control, how do they get to that edge of such despair? Gmork says it’s “because people have begun to lose their hope and forget their dreams.” and that therefore, “the Nothing grows stronger.” The emptiness that remains is despair.

If you know the story, you know that the conversation is between Gmork and Atreyu, the warrior chosen to help save the land of Fantasia from the Nothing. Atreyu is a mere boy warrior who was stripped of all weapons and began his quest with only a horse. The horse was lost in the Swamp of Sadness, so now he is alone. Or so he thinks.

Gmork is lurking, so he is not alone. And there, of course, are...

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Nature Wakes, A Poem

by Marita Rahlenbeck


Nature sings
as it wakes up from
winter slumber.
It shouts and calls
for rebirth.

The birds tweet
and caw
and tease.
They sing
and chirp
and flit.

The trees are ready to sprout their leaves
for another season.
The grass is ready to turn
green and lush.

All this, for me, the observer.


The lake shape shifts before me;
the water dances many dances
as the wind decides how it wants to play.
The rain falls gently, so gently
it is barely noticeable,
but I hear the gentle and graceful
notes on the earth as the two meet.

All this, for me, the one who listens.


Moments of Silence and Stillness
between breaths
and then a graceful song from a robin.
Then she’s gone and only a gentle breeze
shows herself to me as the mighty oak
silently waves her branches.

All this, for me, as I watch the world wake up
before my very eyes.

How blessed am I?

Gratitude   ~   Gratitude

So much Gratitude


This poem lovingly and with deep...

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Noticing: The Cleansing Power of Rain

It is raining. Again. A steady, mostly gentle rain. A cleansing rain.

It rained all day yesterday, too.

And I can’t help but wondering about the cleansing God is gifting us with.

Cleansing the yuck and muck from an outrageously long, hard, cruel winter, yes. But also a cleansing of the old yuck and muck from our past choices. The water removing any residual energy from less than ideal decisions and choices, any residual negative emotions and washing them back into the earth.

This cleansing makes receiving and embracing the New that much easier to step into and embrace.

If it’s raining where you are or not, does not matter, you can always intentionally remove any residual undesirable energies. Call upon the angels and Ascended Masters to help.

And then step fully into a new version of yourself.

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Entertaining Angels

Recently as I was driving from one appointment to another, I started dreaming about sitting down in front of a beautiful tomato accompanied with bufala mozzarella. This is hardly a seasonal desire. Tomatoes are disappointing and bufala, as far as I understand, is out of season.

Almost very last minute I heard to go to Trader Joe’s. It’s on the way. I did not have time to hesitate, so I took the next exit and did as was suggested.

I was not disappointed, as they had imported bufala from Italy waiting just for me.

That is why I thought I was at Trader Joe’s.

And the Universe had another reason. A gem, waiting for me in the parking lot.

As I made my way to my car, I noticed an older woman looking at me. I was focused on the task at hand, as I had an appointment to get to…I got in the car and she was now literally following me, attempting to engage me. She was asking for a ride. She lived just down the street, would I do her a favor and bring her home?


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Dancing Between Heaven and Earth

Honoring the Process of Dying

When my daughter was 10, she had a gerbil. It’s been so long I cannot remember his name.

She and her father went on vacation; it was then, of course, that I noticed he was not well. He struggled to walk – he wasn’t chewing up the toilet paper roll. I knew he was dying, but why now? When my child was not there? What was I going to do?!

I’d take him out and hold him in my hand while I sat with him. I’d sit such that he was positioned at my heart. I willed him to die – to end his suffering.

What I noticed was that every time I did that, he’d get more energy, and I thought a miracle had occurred.

No. He was just taking in the love from my heart center and using it as fuel for just a bit.

This went on for a few days. I didn’t want him to die while my 10 year old was gone! What kind of closure (or not) would that bring her?!

One night, after my ritual of holding him at my heart and telling him it was ok to...

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Sacred Symbols


A discussion with Barbara Patterson and Jan Revell of Purpose Talk Radio on the topic of Sacred Symbols.


Originally aired January 2012

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Women With Passion ~ An Interview

An interview with Kimberly Riggins, a dynamic coach with a heart for women.

"I'm often drawn to others who are very grounded, walk their talk and have a story to tell. That is definitely why I love Marita Rahlenbeck.

I had the pleasure of meeting Marita through a coaching program we were both taking. I was always in awe of her passionate insight and her ability to read through people’s energy.

She is truly a healer. You can see it in her heart and it radiates through her soul.

Let’s get to know her."

Tell me a little about yourself and your mission.

Since the mid 90’s I have been on a path of significant spiritual awakening.  At the time, however, I was not as aware of my path as I am now. I experienced an internally loud desperation of wondering “IS THIS ALL THERE IS?”

On the outside it appeared as though I had it all (home in suburbs, two cars in the garage, married, a daughter)… Inside, though, I was unhappy. With that quiet unrest...

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Soul Guidance ~ Finding Direction in Life

Nancy Brook, of Blog Talk Radio's Love Your Path show interviews me on the topic of finding direction for your life. Timeless advise!



Nancy Brook is “The Cycling Chick.” She’s author of Cycling, Wine, and Men: A Midlife Tour de France, a book that’s been called the next Eat, Pray, Love. She is an award-winning speaker, author, show host and MBA. She combines 25-years business experience with lessons learned from her cycling adventures to inspire people to get on their lives and ride! She teaches the value of perseverance, teamwork and leadership.


Originally aired April 2012

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Integrating Spirituality and Consciousness

Kathryn Yarborough is psychospiritual facilitator who teaches her clients how to use movement, breath, and manifestation tools on their awakening and healng journey. For 40 days in 2011, Kathryn did “Everyday Spirituality,” a blogtalkradio show where she interviewed myself and others who are integrating spirituality into their day to day lives. Kathryn was the founder and director of the Center for Embodied Consciousness. In early 2012, she launched Flowing with Change, an online membership community that provides tools, skills, and support for people who are experiencing and initiating change. She can be found on Facebook and at Flowing with Change.



Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Positive about Change on BlogTalkRadio with Flowing with Change on BlogTalkRadio
Originally aired October 2011
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