Riding the Waves of Alignment

Have you ever been at the ocean and ridden a wave? It is not as easy as it is fun! If you don’t time it just right, you’re slapped on your butt! If your jump is not at the precise moment necessary, you’re slammed with a wall of water — and it’s jarring!

But! When you have practiced numerous times, and get the hang of it, well, it’s magic! You slide into the wave in perfect harmony and the awe, joy, exhilaration is just plain THERE. AND as a bonus, the wave takes you far!

As I write this it’s just past noon and twice already today the analogy of riding the waves has come up in conversation.

First in a podcast interview (stay tuned!) and the second in a coaching call.

The topic was Alignment. How do you know when you are in alignment? And the analogy I came up with was riding the wave….

Releasing a book into the world, or any other “Something” you are working on, has with it a lot of pressure, expectations...

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Celebrating the Release of Living with Grace


The long awaited book, Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart is HERE!

Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart was released on Tuesday October 29, 2019. Unbeknownst to both my publisher and me, it was National Cat Day. Who knew!?! Grace did. Grace did!

My first celebration was a virtual one on Facebook Live. It was a time of toasts, tears, transformation and gratitude.

Get to know Grace, right now in this moment. Join in the celebration.

Grace has no boundaries. Now is always a good time for grace.

Learn more about the book here!

Access your free Grace Notes here!


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Living With Grace - Meet Animal Communicator Kristen Scanlon



In this interview you'll meet Grace and her animal communicator Kristen Scanlon of Talk Pawsitive. During Grace's illness I relied heavily on Kristen.

An animal communicator has a hard job being the voice for an ill, dying animal. Learn that death is an active process. Learn how easy it can be to honor the process when we listen.

Access free Grace Notes here.

GET YOUR FREE BONUSES BETWEEN NOW AND OCTOBER 28, 2019 !!! Go here to learn how: 

Learn more about Grace and the book here!

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Healthy Lifestyle for Overachieving Women Summit Interview

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Masterful U meets Marita ~ a Dynamic Discussion


 Tina Hull of MasterfulU interviews me as a way to introduce the MasterfulU community to me and my work.  


What is MasterfulU

  • A fast-growing community of coaches, healers, creatives and other experts and entrepreneurs.
  • Your one-stop source for life-changing programsā€•offered by our members for our members. 
  • An inspirational community that helps you navigate your way to fulfillment through the self-care beacons of nourishment, movement, mindfulness and creative expression.

See if it's a fit!

I'd love to have you join me there!

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How I Met Young Living Essential Oils

I met Young Living Essential Oils about 20 years ago at an outdoor wedding at a park near a city lake. A little bottle was passed around the group — there were just a handful gathered — not more than 20 people or so. I recall asking what is this, but I don’t recall the answer.

Shortly after that I attended a Women’s Expo in downtown Minneapolis. Cherie Ross had a double booth at the end of a row. I remember being intrigued and somewhat mesmerized by all the different things. I stood looking at all the tiny bottles and she said “Go ahead. You can choose one and try it.” Well, I had no idea which way to turn or how to make a decision. In the end she suggested White Angelica.

I recognized the yummy-ness of it immediately because it was the same essential oil blend that had been passed around at the wedding.

I was hooked, although I didn’t know it yet.

I still have my first order copy.

What I remember most about Gary Young is how he made science...

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Evolution of Human Consciousness & Food?

In one of my Facebook groups the question was posed: What is your why? What is your driving force?

I found this question quite engaging… and had to pace. It’s not like I’ve never considered this before. It’s just how do I take a feeling and put words to it?

The first, most obvious answer, if we are all honest, is money. We have financial commitments from the basic food and shelter to the other things that bring pleasure like a nice meal out with a friend or a vacation with the family.

The obviousness aside, my WHY and driving force is the Evolution of Human Consciousness. That’s a mouthful, I know. I am not, however, a philosopher sitting in a stuffy, poorly lit office at the local university with books and papers piled high to the ceiling.

I am a humble servant doing my work, and I look just like you.

I approach the Evolution of Human Consciousness at the very basic level: food. I bring the awareness of my students to food and how it makes them feel....

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I Found a Penny

I found a penny today.

An old, unattractive penny. It had probably survived all the snow and salt and was well, not so pristine.

It was the first thing I saw as I opened the car door. I was delighted.

And I decided to pick it up.

I saw it as a gift from the Universe. Here. A penny. It’s not bright and shiny, but it’s a gift. A penny. One cent.

The reason I am sharing in such detail is that usually I notice and leave it for someone else to find. I imagine someone like my sister who, when she finds a penny, is all excited and perhaps encouraged, because she sees it as a gift from her beloved dog who has crossed over. I imagine a child being very excited, bending over to pick it up and showing mommy….

But today, I changed my viewpoint.

This penny was for ME. I picked it up, said thank you and put it in my car.

At that moment I realized that all those times I noticed, did NOT say thank you, did NOT pick it up I was dissing God. I was saying it was too small for me...

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Diabetes: Taking Time To Get It Right

  Part Three in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

Sometimes you just need someone to care. To be asked how it’s going and be heard, listened to, validated. Sometimes the answer requires action.

Such was the case with Daniel recently when I was there for a visit. At 72, having to repattern his lifestyle because his life literally depends on it is difficult, I’m sure. It is hard, frustrating, annoying and more. He had mentioned he’d gone a few consecutive times without getting a successful glucose reading. In frustration he’d given up.

It’s easy to brush something like that aside, as it requires sitting down and learning something new. And honestly, sometimes we would rather just now know or face the truth.

But before I left, I said let’s figure this out together. This is important.

I read the instructions step by step and then we found the error. He got a result of 129! The joy on his face was something to behold. He is not one to emote;...

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Diabetes and Your Pantry

  Part Two in Daniel's Diabetes Chronicle

You may remember me telling you about my friend who was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes….

Let’s meet Daniel quick. In a nutshell:

72 year old male. Overweight. Active, but not excessively athletic. Diet consisting mostly of processed foods and sugary sodas. Water? That’s what you wash your hands with, right?

I went to the local co-op and outfitted his kitchen pantry… Over the weekend, I spent a considerable amount of time with him going through his fridge and cupboard. … Let’s just say his cupboard looked nothing like mine. I have become an avid label reader and know what to look for hidden in plain view in the little tiny letters somewhere on the packaging.

This time, though, I was not looking for hidden gluten — I was looking for hidden sugars by many different names.

I found the back of his fridge and cupboards and literally filled up his trash bin for next week.

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