Weave the Sacred Into Your Every Day and Be Empowered to Create the Life You Crave.

What if you could feel totally tuned into Spirit in every moment?

What if you could learn to make choices that not only fed your body (and tasted delicious) but fed your Soul, too?

What if you created easy, yet powerful habits that could bring you back on track when the rails have their own mind and take you off course?

What if you learned to access the Quintessential Woman that is latent within you to help navigate you toward the life you really want?

If you are reading this and getting all excited about the possibilities to live a life you thought impossible and out of reach, you are in the right place! I have a solution to uplevel your life and have you tapped into the Divine in a way you have longed for. 

I understand the burning lust to uncover something that cannot quite be named. 

As I searched and kept doing my inner work, I found new perspectives and tools that have elevated and enriched my life in ways I had never thought possible.

It's time to stop ignoring that deeper, bigger part of you that Knows Truth. 

Let me be your guide in this unique program that bridges the world we live in with the world of energy and Spirit.

That is why I created...

This Four Week Program explores:

• Nourishment and Self Care through a holistic lens

• Energy and Vibration as Catalysts for transformation

• 3 Harmonic Pillars of Food, Essential Oils and Sacred Mundanity

• Spiritual Practice to elevate your life experience

And includes:

• Lifetime access to course materials in your membership site

You will:

• feel inspired and empowered to create the life you really want

• feel elevated with an understanding of energy, vibration and frequency and how to use each for your best life ever

• be liberated to the possibilities that every day common things and activities can have uncommon results   

* be inspired to habituate at least one new practice into your daily routine

You will embrace and live into Sacred Mundanity



When is class?

This is a digital, self paced, self led course. You get to decide!

I’m excited and kinda scared at the same time; is this normal?

Yes! Anything new and on the edge puts you in an uncertain state. If you weren't ready, you would not have the concern. You’re okay; I have created a safe container for you to feel and experience at a new level. 

What will you do for me during this course? 

Another great question! I will create and hold space for the group. This is a safe container for you to learn, grow, struggle, thrive, and expand. I will be there to answer your questions and offer encouragement.

Put Yourself First

Regularly $997

Now ONLY $49

Join "Nourish Your Way Home"

Nourish student observes "When I first met Marita, I felt a lightness in myself I had never felt before. It had me sit up and take note of who she was and what she was saying.

I’m glad I listened, because the sacred space she held for us in the Nourish Your Way Home course was an energy I enjoyed being in.

I really enjoyed her guided meditations; I wasn’t expecting something like this in a course. I found it powerfully refreshing.

If you are looking for a unique space to make friends with yourself at a deeper level, Nourish Your Way Home is a good place to do that."


You will...

  • naturally begin or deepen your relationship to God, Spirit, Divinity — however you address your Higher Power
  • begin to appreciate the true value of food and how it supports you on many different levels
  • feel the value and importance of looking at how you have used the 3 Pillars of food, essential oils and Sacred Mundanity in the past and how you can best utilize them going forward
  • develop a new relationship with and appreciation for the power and Magick essential oils have to create the shifts and changes you want
  • uncover patterns and habits in your lifestyle choices and begin to notice how your choices impact your life, your mood, your enjoyment of life
  • learn how to confront your own inner critic and stand up for yourself — and ask yourself hard questions so as to push yourself into Breakthrough
  • learn the value of creating and having a Spiritual Practice 

Join "Nourish Your Way Home" Now

Regularly $997

Now ONLY $49

I Want The Sacred In My LIfe

"Marita is gifted with the ability to help you reflect honestly on your beliefs about yourself, food, and the impact of these beliefs on your relationship with God. Going through this class helped me confront some hidden shame and anger. Those are powerful matters, and I felt safe in this process, and was very blessed by Nourish Your Way Home. "


"The Nourish Your Way Home course showed me that is okay to do things by myself and that's it's okay to be alone. "


"Marita’s gifts continue to surprise me. Marita is open to listening deeply and intentionally at a Soul level. She has that rare ability to be a conduit for universal loving energy and yet not confuse herself, and her individual ego, with that larger healing force."


"Nourish Your Way Home offers a wide variety of nontraditional perspectives on changing your relationship with food and related topics. Marita is responsive and finds ways to personalize the material to individual’s intentions. She posed helpful questions, leading me to zero in on insights on my emotional eating. "


"Marita is gentle, accessible, kind and compassionate. She creates a safe container for what can be a particularly difficult and confrontational inquiry with self. Her encouraging presence speaks to her walking the walk, and feels like a warm hug — especially when the inner critic is threatening to roar. "


"I’ve begun to see the powerful value of food."


"The course experience validated the importance of eating good food that is nourishing to my body and showed me it's good to get outside and appreciate nature. "


A Nourish student asked herself “Who is asking for what?” when she had a craving to eat when she was not hungry.

“That is when my heart opened and showed me my deepest yearning for a moment by moment life of loving relationship with the Beloved of my Soul. … As soon as my heart spoke, the desire to eat vanished! pouf! evaporated…”


About Marita Rahlenbeck

Marita Rahlenbeck helps the Quietly Unhappy find hope again. Leading with grace and modeling the Sacred in everyday life, she confidently leads clients to joyfully embrace life again by helping them achieve balance and calm for a deep sense of confidence. 

Marita has an innate ability to ask deep, penetrating questions, as well as the ability to listen to the words spoken and unspoken. She brings a strong intuitive Knowing to her work while adding a unique combination of depth, wisdom, lightness and humor to the exchange.

She is author of Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love and Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart, a multi-dimensional look at life, death, grief, and loss culminating with the Journey to Grace — taking the reader from Fear to the place of Authentic Grace.