Divine Alignment Brings Out the Haters

Yesterday was one of the most magical days I have had since my daughter’s wedding last year. I began with intentionally listening to what was around me in the morning as I recited “Thank you for _____.” My day began with a deep sense of Peace.

The day flowed as if by magic.

I was gifted a remarkable 6 month program — on something I have been wanting to do for a long time. $3000 in my proverbial pocket. Tears of gratitude. I expressed my gratitude by going out into nature.

Woven into the day I saw far too many people’s posts in my Facebook feed that their beloved pet had died. Earlier in the day, someone has asked for prayers, as her sister was fighting for her life battling covid. ~ Immediately following 3 posts about pets dying, her new post cam up stating her sister had passed.

Something snapped.

My book, Living with Grace ~ A Story of Love & Healing, Leaving Paw Prints on the Heart, could be so very valuable to each and everyone of these...

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Living with Grace ~ Healing After Trauma


Episode 5

Trauma can be a catalyst for personal transformation. Sometimes that transformation comes quickly, sometimes slowly. But change is always the result.



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Living with Grace ~ Simplicity in Authentic Grace


Episode 4. How do you get to the place of Authentic Grace? What are the steps? How do you know when you are "there"? Are you ever there?

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Living with Grace ~ The End of Resistance Brings Grace


Episode 3

Let go of the parts of you you no longer want and reinvent yourself!

To find my book, Living with Grace, go here.



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Living with Grace ~ How is Covid Changing YOU?


Episode 2

To find my book, go here

Ready for more grace? I can help. I offer a Journey to Grace ~ A 6 Step Personalized Roadmap call. Free.

Schedule Appointment

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Living with Grace ~ A New Perspective on your Relationships


Episode 1

To find my book, go here

Need more grace in your life? Ready for more grace? I offer a Journey to Grace ~ A 6 Step Personalized Roadmap call. Free.

Schedule Appointment

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Censorship during Covid - the Gift Within

I have been banned!

I have been banned from Facebook — known as Facebook jail. I have no idea why.

I posted last week asking how the pandemic lockdown was affecting your emotions. An hour and a half later I was unable to post — anywhere!

I am known for uplifting, inspiring messages reminding you of the intrinsic importance of the Sacred. I am known for my posts supporting you with holistic ideas around food, nutrition, essential oils, mindset and more. Hmmmm.

This experience, coupled with the social distancing, has shown me the value and importance of human connection. Especially now, in a day and age when we cannot be with anyone other than those who live with us in our household. If you are someone who lives alone, you are literally alone. So the next best thing is virtual connection — be in a Zoom, Skype, What’s App, Facetime, or whatever tech piece you use, that’s an option — a very good viable option.

The next connector is social...

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Find Joy and Hope in Your Journey

I have many messengers of magic in my home that I have acquired over the years on my spiritual quest for wholeness.

One of the very first things I bought was a sweet, little hummingbird which hangs on a string from the ceiling. Today I took it down and dusted it off and I really looked at how beautiful it is and how for these many years it has given me the message of Joy. It has reminded me of the beauty not only of the hummingbird, but of life.

The piece is delicate, intricate and hand painted. It is truly a piece of art. It is very detailed and exquisite. There are many things that you can glean from this. You can glean not just the magic and message of hummingbird medicine, but when looking at the piece as art, you can access the pride that went into creation and painting of it. It’s interesting to realize that I have objects around my home and office that I know exactly where and when I bought them. Sometimes I even remember how much I paid for them.

Do you have things...

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