I owe it all to Zoe.
After all, if it hadn’t been for her and her illness I would not have had the dream.
I see Asea as the gift she gave me. A parting gift, if you will. Her sacrifice, my gain.
Let me explain.
The morning I received her diagnosis, I saw a simple post on social media. A photo of the Asea Redox Cell Signaling bottle and 4 simple sentences.
It went into my subconscious as interesting. That’s it.
Later that same day I was given the bad news that Zoe’s body was full of growths. Inoperable. I was devastated. I had brought my sweet Zoe in for a well check and was given a death sentence.
I’d just “done this” with Grace (her surrogate...
I challenge you to RElearn to ask for what it is you want. RElearn the Art of the Ask.
This implies you UNlearned the easy-ness and joy of how to ask for what you want.
Ask and it is given — a basic Universal Law, a basic premise in Ancient texts.
Why, then, is it so hard for us to simply
Because circumstances and experiences in the past taught us it was hard, inappropriate, futile — or any combination of these — to ask, because we wouldn’t get the wish fulfilled anyway.
I can’t negate your experiences — or mine for that matter — so now what?
The challenge I put before you is to RElearn the art of the ask.
If you have the desire in your heart, there must be a means to achieve, receive, create it, right? Right!
What if you learned early on, as a child, that to ask for that train set, or the baseball bat, or a special doll that put undue burden on your parents? so you learned it was easier to...
Meet Grace. She is my one eyed Goddess. I met her Soul just over a year ago. She came to live with me just under a year ago.
She is a traumatized, rescue kitty. And this morning she taught me a lesson. Let me share it with you.
She sits at the sliding door asking to be let out. She loves being on the deck. Yet as I walk to the door, she runs away. All the goodness I have bestowed upon her is forgotten and her pattern of fleeing kicks in.
How can I let her out if she runs away from the very thing she’s asking for?
Sound familiar?!
Wow. That was a realization for me, too!
Where in your life are you asking for something and when it’s “this close” you bolt and head in the other direction?
Has not the Universe, or God, or whatever word you attach to a power higher than yourself always provided? Maybe not how you exactly asked for it, but has indeed provided.
It is said Ask and it is Given. So ask. What is your heart longing for? That longing would not be instilled...