Recently I stopped at a lemonade stand, took out a dollar and gave it to the girl with long blond hair and a huge smile on her face. She asked if I wanted some lemonade. No. You have one on me; I just wanted to support your entrepreneurial spirit. And with countless thank yous and you’re welcomes we both went back to what we were doing.
I know she won’t forget that moment. Sometime in her future when she struggles between doing what’s easy or following her heart, she’ll remember there was this lady who stopped and gave her a dollar and validated her vision.
I had a huge aha around the word support today.
I love to both support people and endeavors that are important to me and to feel supported by others.
It makes me feel seen, valued and validated in who I am.
I knew this. And today I saw it in a deeper way.
Because it’s important to me, I naturally bring this type of support and validation into my work.
I am super excited to invite you to be part of the flagship class of the recording of my new 4 week course, Nourish Your Way Home — a grace led journey to the Divine.
You see, after September, this course will be a self-led, self-paced digital experience. But while I am taking a group through the course live (virtual) and recording it, I get to support people at a much higher level.
If you’re ready for more nourishment, joy, connection to yourself and things of Spirit as well as my support, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
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