
~ the pure and essential essence of something ~


 Immersion ~ Nourishing Your Self and Your Inner Quintessential

Private, 1:1


Imagine having someone take your hand and lead you down a path to a beautiful mirror where you get to see your deepest longings — for real. Like the Mirror of Erised, the mirror in the Harry Potter series that reflected back the deepest desires to the individual peering into it.

What if you had the opportunity to do that with someone who could hold space for you to be brave enough to look AND see the Truth of who you really are?

Wouldn’t that be exciting!?!

Immersion — Nourishing Your Self and Your Inner Quintessential is exactly that. It IS the mirror you’ve been searching and yearning for to reflect magic back to you. And I will be the one to take your hand and lead you down the path.

This private, 1:1 opportunity offers:

Time set aside by you, for you, to dedicate the elevation of your own inner peace as you become the Seeker of your next step and the bigger picture of your life.

My time and ability to hold space and listen between the lines.

My ability to hear and see things on your behalf AND bring them back to your conscious awareness.

What does this unique offer look like?

Over the span of 30 days, we meet twice via zoom, and you'll have me in your back pocket for questions, guidance and encouragement via text (Telegram).

The weeks between our live calls, is for integration and action taking. 

The Immersion experience concludes with an anchor/integration call.


Pay In Full: $999 

I'm Ready To Go Deep! | ONE PAYMENT

Soft launch Summer 2024.

More details being visioned and crafted.

Meet Marita

Meet Marita


Meet Marita Rahlenbeck, a passionate advocate for clean living and holistic wellness. With over two decades of expertise in natural living through Young Living Essential Oils, Marita empowers others with her unique coaching approach, bridging our 3D lifestyle with esoteric truths.


As the embodiment of the Quintessential Matriarch, Marita blends ancient wisdom with modern holistic practices. Her transformative coaching guides individuals, especially women, to tap into their inner strength, fostering safe environments for their families while embracing clean living.Â